Lenbeth Group of Companies
Proudly building your community

Since 1979


Lenbeth Commercial Slingers

Move tremendous amounts of material in very little time...
to hard to reach places!

Our qualified professional drivers can haul:

washed rock
road crush
radon rock
black dirt

…. and sling material almost anywhere.

If we are able to back up to the site, we can sling it.

Our slingers are capable of placing materials up to 60 feet in length.

A great alternative for putting rock in basements and filling trenches.

Our slingers are capable of placing materials up to 60 feet in length.

Residential Slingers
Residential Slingers
Residential Slingers
Lenberth Group of Companies
Lenbeth Conveyor Telebelt
Lenbeth Telebelts
Lenbeth Window Wells
Lenbeth Weeping Tile
Lenbeth Energy Services
Lenbeth Trenching
Lenbeth Waterproofing
Lenbeth Safety
Lenbeth Sumps
Lenbeth Group of Companies
CS Websites